The Japanese student Aki Onodera travels in her family’s tracks from Tokyo to Germany. In idyllic East Allgaeu she meets the Webers, who take...
The Red Spot
During the Cold War, many of those who tried to flee westward across the dangerous and blurred line separating communist Czechoslovakia from freedom...
Europe's Deadliest Border: Czechoslovakia's Iron Curtain
Philipp and Anna live in the Berlin Babyboom-Kiez Kreuzberg. They also like to go to the playground, but with their little niece Nele. Anna does not...
Ich will (k)ein Kind von Dir
One day Little Red Cap’s mother tells her that her grandmother is sick, and sends her to her house to bring her a piece of cake, a bottle of...
Helena has just started a new job - and she's already pregnant. She desperately needs daycare. Madness ensues as she discovers that the odds of...
They failed as a couple, but as parents Julia and Tom share custody of their daughter Anni after their divorce. Driven by her hurt feelings, Julia...
Because You're Mine
Frida wants a baby. But although she forces her boyfriend to follow a strict fertilization regimen, she’s not getting pregnant. Just when...
Dinky Sinky