In order to cure Hei Ling, a terminal illness, the Kunlun healer, Bai Ze, was banished after accidentally destroying an island. Seven years later, he...
Goodbye Monster
One day a young woman named Blanca is saved by Xuan, a snake catcher from a nearby village. She has lost her memory, and together they go on a...
White Snake
Super spy and master inventor Agent F.O.X. arrives in Carrot Town with one objective: infiltrate the community of friendly rabbits, locate a...
Agent F.O.X.
While living as an ordinary deliveryman and motor racing fan, Nezha encounters old nemeses and must rediscover his powers to protect his loved ones.
New Gods: Nezha Reborn
When the irritable monkey king visits a temple together with his master Tang Monk, he feels offended because of a trifle and thereupon accidentally...
The Monkey King: Reborn