Upon receiving the body of a maid in waiting who was said to have hung herself within the palace walls, dedicated doctor Chun-ryung begins to suspect...
Shadows in the Palace
A woman saves a man in turtoil, ready to jump off a building. Now, as a widower with a baby girl, Sang Hyeon welcomes Soo Min's comfort. Although...
A young man finds out that he is living a completely identical life to another man who lived decades ago. And when his wife is murdered the same way...
Parallel Life
In 'A Brave New World', a virus brings the city to ruins and zombies flood the streets of Seoul. In 'The Heavenly Creature', a robot reaches...
Doomsday Book
In 1808, an imperial investigator arrives on an idyllic island to investigate a series of grisly murders. The locals believe that a ghost is...
Blood Rain
Two strangers have dropped their kids off at a pickup area for a children's camp in Helsinki, Finland. A spark of mutual interest is ignited between...
A Man and a Woman
A doctor finds himself in the middle of an unsolved serial murder case after discovering a secret from a sedated patient. When dismembered bodies...
Sang-sook is a competent politician who captivates the public with all kinds of nice words. One day, Sang-sook visits her grandmother who lives in...
Honest Candidate
A young girl throws an 8 pool ball down a portal to outer space, where it becomes much larger and starts charging towards the Earth to destroy...
Happy Birthday
A university professor gradually succumbing to blindness is entranced by an obsessive love, in this modern-day adaptation of a classic Korean fairy...
Scarlet Innocence
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