A woman finds the key to a room in the attic that her husband forbids her from entering. When she opens the door, she is confronted with the haunting...
The Matrimony
Based on a novel by the same name written by Gu Hua, a melodrama about the life and travails of a young woman who lives through the turmoil of the...
Hibiscus Town
A fiction about the founder Mingquan Yang, and the early ages of Quanjude Restaurant, the most famous Peking duck restaurant. Yang bought the...
Peking Duck Restaurant
In remote Northern China, a widow is raped by a drunk divorced man, who later reforms his ways.
Snowy Wilderness
A story of the upheavals and changes in Chinese society from the 1960s to 1980s, set in the hutong alleyways of Beijing.
Unwelcome Lady