Inspired by a murder-mystery-turned-legend surrounding a massacre near "Sam's Lake," the film follows Sam, a young woman who, every summer, returns...
Sam's Lake
The Most Dangerous Game formula gets a monstrous twist as the mythical Hydra turns the tables on a group of wealthy human-hunters. Kidnapped along...
Three bad girls - a down-and-out stripper, a drug-running killer, and a corporate powerbroker - arrive at a remote desert hideaway to extort and...
Bitch Slap
Remake of Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920). Shot entirely on green screen. Some exact shots from the 1920 film were superimposed to properly...
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Jeff Allen just got a new job in one of Manhattan's wealthiest brokerage firms, Wolfe Brothers. Here young, good-looking stockbrokers make a lot of...
Wolves of Wall Street
An immigration lawyer is unwittingly entangled in a money-laundering scheme where his only chance to survive is to confront the same people who set...
Blind Trust
Meet Cassie, Jason and Patrick, three amoral college students who, through a series of sexual wagers, take malicious pleasure in ruining the lives of...
Cruel Intentions 3
Timeless tale of Beauty and the Beast set in the period of the Vikings. Freya, a warrior and the beautiful daughter of a Viking king, is held...
Beauty and the Beast
Businessman Bill Masterson is out of his element on a long fishing weekend, but outdoorsman Matt Murphy is there to help. Or so Bill thinks. Matt has...
Kate Parks has spent the past year on tour promoting her book, an in-depth look at the attempted cover up of her husband's death in a plane crash....
Collision Course
.Ford Coleman is a struggling actor in Hollywood who fears never achieving fame other then appearing in local TV commercials. After over a year...
Tripping Forward
Two limo drivers hope to make money by escorting an executive around Los Angeles. Things go awry when they get caught up in a sabotage plot to...
The Watchers, a group of fallen angels, walk among the earth disguised as humans, torturing their vessels. In the hunt for prophetic truth, three...
House of Fallen
After being charged with hacking into the Pentagon security system, computer-whiz Josh Martin is kidnapped during house arrest and delivered to a...
Blackout sur Los Angeles
After a deadly virus wipes out most of humanity, the survivors are forced to wait alone in self-sustaining bunkers while the viral threat runs its...
At the height of Hitler's infamous U-boat war, the crew of the U.S.S. Swordfish were heading home after months at sea. They never made it. Now...
In Enemy Hands
A look at the life of the astronaut, Neil Armstrong, and the legendary space mission that led him to become the first man to walk on the Moon on July...
First Man
Ryan is getting married. His friends take him across the US-Mexican border for a bachelor party the night before his wedding. A night that begins...
Mexican Sunrise
A NASA scientist discovers that a group meteorites is heading towards Earth. Along the way, they will collide with the space station Hyperion, whose...
Fall of Hyperion
Both Joey and Mike are faced with breaking boundaries that previously limited them. There's a first time for everything.
Anything Once