Zlaté rybky
Skleněná panna
Vánoční Růženka
O chudém královstvíčku
Překupníkem proti své vůli
Rychlík do Ostravy
Based on a novel by Maria Majerova, this well-photographed but routine romantic drama is directed and co-scripted by Vaclav Krska. Set in a more...
The Day the Tree Blooms
Černá dynastie
Oranžový měsíc
Čas jeřabin
Letos v září
Místenka bez návratu
Tři sestry
Three short story omnibus. The main hero and connecting link is Lieutenant Boruvka, created by Lubomír Lipsky. He deals with the murder case...
Crime at the Girls School
Když se čerti rojili
The exemplary accountant Antonín Safránek lives his orderly life as a citizen of a small town. His wife Eliska brings up their three...
Jak se krade milión
Klec pro dva
Mr. Benda, a married father of two children, works for a company that liquidates old banknotes. After one drunken party, he is visited by a painter...
A Man Who Rose in Price
Obr z Černé skály
Babie leto, čas smútku
Člověk není sám
Sherlock Holmes likes to play violin and expects a great career in music. He gets a place in a spa orchestra, but he is again and again distracted by...
Touha Sherlocka Holmese
Velikonoční dovolená
Co poudala bába Futeř
The Treasure of Count Chamaré
Televize v Bublicích aneb Bublice v televizi
Konečně si rozumíme
Záchvěv strachu
Cesta kolem mé hlavy
Matylda (Jaroslava Ticha), who lives in the Czech countryside, is trying to arrange burial plans for her dying husband, Jan (Ludvik Kroner). While...
Funeral Ceremony
O ptáku Ohniváku
Princess Blanka (Aglaia Morávková) is secretly meeting her beloved, huntsman Ondrej (Jirí Papez). Only the chamber-maid Anezka...
The Bear and the Ghosts
A car deliberately runs down a young man on a road by a small border town. The locals recognize the dead man as one of the students who were there on...
Major Kalas from the Prague criminal intelligence service has been sent to a small town of Dubá in North Bohemia to help with the...
On the Trail of Blood
Returning home to Prague, the magician Pasparte, an owner of a circus caravan, meets his dying colleague who entrusts his beautiful daughter Aloisie...
Those Wonderful Movie Cranks
Spor herečky Kvapilové
Vina Vladimíra Olmera
Hlavní výhra
Přehlídce velím já!
Lost Children (Czech: Ztracenci) is a Czechoslovak war film directed by Miloš Makovec. It was entered into the 1957 Cannes Film Festival.
Lost Children
Five years old Johnny is going for his first journey with no parents.
Johnny's Journey
Návrat pana Ryšánka
Drama set on an isolated farm on the Czech-Polish border immediately after the end of WWII.
End of the Lonely Farm Berhof
Nad námi svítá
Velká kapela
Rytmus 1934
Jarní povětří
Zkouška pokračuje
Czech comedy fantasy directed by Jiri Krejcik et al.
Of Things Supernatural
The film tells the exciting life of the great Czech composer Leos Janácek (1854-1928), also known by the thick silver hair that crowned his...
Lion with a White Mane
Pohádka o mladém ševcovském tovaryšovi Jírovi, který si vyrobil z jemné kůže...
Princess Jasnenka and the Flying Shoemaker