Upon receiving his draft notice and leaving his family ranch in Oklahoma, Claude heads to New York and befriends a tribe of long-haired hippies on...
Zorns Lemma is a 1970 American structuralist film by Hollis Frampton. It is named after Zorn's lemma (also known as the Kuratowski–Zorn lemma),...
Zorns Lemma
This riveting film takes a look behind the scenes at one of the 20th century's cinema classics and at one of contemporary cinema's most maddeningly...
The Making of 'Amadeus'
In this "fourteen-part drill for the camera," Frampton created a portrait gallery of his art-world friends engaging in a variety of ordinary...
Manual of Arms
Interwoven with her storied career and prolific works, Twyla Moves sees legendary choreographer Twyla Tharp navigate her latest creative challenge:...
Twyla Moves
In this new program, choreographer Twyla Tharp remembers her collaboration with Milos Forman on Hair and explains how the entire project was put...
Making Chance Work: Choreographing 'Hair'