Part-time worker Hazuki lives with her younger sister, high school student Koharu, and their mother Sawa. One day they receive word that their...
Capturing Dad
Gin is a 15-year-old boy. He knows that his father is a gay and he wonders if he might be the same. Narumi is a 15-year-old girl. Her mother tells...
Innocent 15
Suzuki Rara is left behind in the countryside due to mischief. She becomes a YouTuber, goes both crazy and offbeat. Wearing an eye-patch, loose track...
Astral Abnormal Suzuki
In the wake of the social unrest caused by the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, two female sumo athletes, Kiku and Tokachi, and an anarchist group called...
The Chrysanthemum and the Guillotine
On March 11th 2011, a massive earthquake strikes eastern Japan. Shoko (TAKEKOU Aya), who works at a shoe store in Tokyo, is unable to contact her...
Since Then