After seeking to live a normal life, Logan sets out to avenge the death of his girlfriend by undergoing the mutant Weapon X program and becoming...
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Lara is a woman tormented, torn between science and faith. Pushed by her husband to seek treatment from a congregation of zealots, a ruthless...
Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism
Two estranged brothers come together and discover old family secrets after inheriting their grandfather's property. As their friends start to go...
Devil Beneath
Three British soldiers find themselves stranded in No Man's Land after a failed charge on the German Trenches. Set in France 1916.
Forbidden Ground
An Australian urban legend comes screaming on the Ozploitation scene. It’s said that if you drive down the creepy road of Lemon Tree Passage,...
Lemon Tree Passage
In the Australian Outback, two brothers discover old secrets and family lies. As their friends start to go missing they fear they are being stalked...
Red Billabong