The future of preservation is at stake in the digital age. Into the Future explores the hidden crisis of the digital information age. Will digitally...
Into the Future: On the Preservation of Knowledge in the Electronic Age
The London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony took place at 9pm on 27 July 2012. Titled 'Isles of Wonder', the Ceremony welcomed the finest athletes...
London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony: Isles of Wonder
Programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz achieved groundbreaking work in social justice and political organizing. His passion for...
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
Tim Berners-Lee programmed the first web server, the first website and the first browser almost single-handedly. Today, Time magazine lists Tim...
Worldwidewebwonder - 20 Years "WWW" - 40 Years Internet connects the future of the web with the little-known story of its birth. In 1989, 33-year-old computer programmer Tim Berners-Lee...
Twenty-five years after the world wide web was created, it is now caught in the greatest controversy of its existence - surveillance. With many...
Inside the Dark Web
A portrait of the inventor of the letterpress, who was a key figure in the history of mankind, but also an enthusiastic inventor, a daring...
The Gutenberg Enigma