A showman introduces a small coastal town to a unique movie experience and capitalizes on the Cuban Missile crisis hysteria with a kitschy horror...
Triton Indutries has created a genetically-engineered creature using DNA from human sources. During the course of the experiment, however, the host...
Biohazard: The Alien Force
Called up for jury duty, Richard Dice finds his first crush and only real, but unrequited love, on trial for murder. Richard desperately tries to...
Illegally Yours
As two brothers fall in love with the same woman they must come to grips with the accidental death of their father in this sensitive drama set in...
Radio Inside
In this comedy thriller, a prospective series pilot, Larry Hagman plays a disinherited socialite and high roller who, with the aid of a comely con...
Staying Afloat
Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to become a professional dancer. She sparks with Sean, the leader of a dance crew whose neighborhood is...
Step Up Revolution
Julie Thompson, a young conservative Christian woman, is truly tested by God and gives birth to a child conceived in rape. This decision leads her on...
Loving the Bad Man