A picture of generational confrontations between children and parents. A young and ambitious violin virtuoso, Peter, lives in long-lasting conflicts...
Concert for the survivors
A man takes up residence with a mysterious marquis and is soon persuaded to enter into an asylum for preventative therapy. Things are not what they...
Dvere dokorán
Prípad krásnej nerestnice
Anglická blcha v cárskom Rusku
Cudzí jazyk
Poéma o svedomí
Parížsky život
Tou former boxers meet in the ring again after years for a re-run of an old match. The old loser currently works as a factory executive and he is...
The Champion
Two female clerks using up their savings to enjoy a few days of carefree life, two plumbers looking for an erotic adventure, a building contractor...
Before Tonight Is Over
Adieu Artúr
Kde leží naša bieda
Juraj Jakubisko's first feature film after a forced nine-year-long break is a story about an unconventional man, Jozef Matúš. He...
Build a House, Plant a Tree
Štyri kolesá
110 metrov
Dni Turbinovcov
Delenie majetku
Pod vládou ženy aj na svitaní
Princezná s jedným krídlom a jednou plutvou
Ťaví zadok
Two men of principle face each other. One is backed by a whole, however poor village, the other by the law. It is a conflict that reaches it's climax...
Night Riders
The drama called I Love, You Love was made in 1980 but because of the absurd ideological ban, the film entered cinemas nine years later. Pišta...
I Love, You Love
Čarodejný nápoj
Pavilón šeliem
A fairy-tale about the power of love. The old king Pravoslav feels it is time to entrust the rule over his kingdom to one of his three daughters -...
Salt & Gold
Bulat Okudzhava's novella tells the evocative story of the old general Opochnin, a man who never betrayed morality and humanity. But at the end of...
Výstrel na Bonaparta
The beautiful, bright and intelligent, but perfectly mischievous Marquise de Mertuil and her charming and equally depraved and ruthless friend, the...
Nebezpečné známosti
Film adaptation of Rudolf Jašík's novel of the same name. The plot of the film is situated in the forties of our century, in the first...
Saint Elizabeth Square
Nylon Moon
Diera v hlave
Jožko Púčik a jeho kariéra
Vymenená princezná
Ako ostrihať manžela
A short fairy tale about troubles of soul and pure alcohol narrated by Stano Dančiak.
Vrah zo záhrobia
A film about the dramatic lives ofthe people of the village of Ráztoka during WW I. Women are left without husbands, families fall apart,...
Živý bič
Marína Havranová
Cézar a detektívi
Kráľovská hra
"Using the same, three times repeating dialogue – dramatic conversation between man and woman – Jerzy Skolimowski from Poland, Slovak...
Dialogue 20-40-60
Cudzím vstup zakázaný
Kufor plný zlata
Tuba plná peny
Television movie based upon motives of novel "Dávid Šťúbrik" by G. K. Zechenter - Laskomerský. Supposed natural...
Stávka o Leokádiu
A satiric tragi-comedy about two women and their lover Robert who is an emigrant that keeps coming back. This film shows chaotic post-communist...
It's Better to Be Healthy and Wealthy than Poor and Sick
Predajňa 044
Podkovičky za korunu
Svetská krása
Majster zlodejského cechu
Serafínka a Cézar
Vietor v starých stromoch
Alcohol, cheating and broken heart don't belong to a relationship. Not even into a duck relationship.
Dosť dobrí chlapi
V srdečnom ovzduší
Jubilejné spomienky
Ach tá láska pozemská
Muž, ktorý miloval symfóniu čísel
Múdry Maťko a blázni
Chlapec a husle
Zajac na diaľnici
Zlaté vajíčko
10 % nádeje
Takmer božský omyl
Mŕtvi učia živých
A young teacher grows up in a small Slovak village during the Second World War.
Man Is Not Desirable
Chrobák v hlave
Kto zaplatí nohavice
Modrý Jonatán
Plná náruč vzduchu
Umenie komédie
Jacobowski a plukovník
Na druhom brehu sloboda
Návrat Jána Petru
When a selfless king learns of a beautiful princess in a neighboring kingdom who callously turns down every suitor with an insult, he tries his luck...
King Thrushbeard
Sebechlebskí hudci
A story of a small-town boy growing up in love and despair and family troubles that make him take on a critical attitude towards his surroundings....
Jays in the Head
Dážď padá na naše duše
...ani smrt nebere!
Piata pečať
Zostane to v rodine
O Jankovi kľúčiarovi
Obrana Sokratova
Skrytý prameň
Kmotor Remenár a kmotor Hrebenár
Dark satire about bare-knuckled capitalism in the immediate post-Cold War era. Set just as the Communist government is collapsing, the film focuses...
Rivers of Babylon
Zločin slečny Bacilpýšky
Posledný cocktail
Navráťte sa k otcom svojim
Opojenie z premeny
Na pochode sa vždy nespieva...
Génius jednej noci
Svědek umírajícího času
Profesor Raat
Pred sviatkami
Hrdina západu
Skleníková Venuša
This film is a psychological study of a woman who chooses solitude as an escape from the duplicity and emotional barrenness of the men around her.
Silent Joy
Schoolboys discover that if sitting in a certain rocky cliff area in the forest, they can memorize anything they read there for exams the following...
The Third Dragon
51-year-old Herbert Strehlow, a furniture restorer, falls in love with 21-year-old Lea, who has not spoken a word since childhood when her father...