Sir Francis Drake goes on a quest to find the legendary Tree of Life, battling the Spanish Armada, sea monsters, sorceress and his bitter nemesis...
The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake
A group of friends fight for their lives against bloodthirsty creatures lurking in an underground military base.
Age of the Dragons is an adaptation of Herman Melville's classic novel Moby Dick. Set in a medieval realm where Captain Ahab and crew hunt dragons...
Age of the Dragons
In a Texas border town, car salesman Charlie moonlights as a masked Lucha libre wrestler going by the name “Green Ghost.” When unknown...
Green Ghost and the Masters of the Stone
A group of five American friends on the cusp of adulthood travel to Panama to relax and reconnect. They befriend a local woman in their hotel...
Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails reunite against a powerful new adversary, Shadow, a mysterious villain with powers unlike anything they have faced before....
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Deep in the jungles of Southeast Asia, a terrorist organization has stolen materials to create a dangerous chemical bomb. It is up to Captain Max...
Operation Rogue
Molly begins a romance with Jack shortly after having her laptop repaired. Soon, Jack turns clingy and Molly breaks it off. Suddenly, her bank...
He Knows Your Every Move