While a menacing typhoon approaches, an accident at the giant natural gas plant Regalia occurs. Japan Coast Guard rescue divers Daisuke Senzaki...
Umizaru 3: The Last Message
Mika is a flight attendant on board an airplane scheduled to land at Haneda Airport. On the way to the airport the airplane's engine starts to burn....
Brave Hearts: Umizaru
Madarame Baku is a mysterious gambler. His nickname is Usogui (literally The Lie Eater). Club Kakerou is the top illegal gambling den, where gamblers...
Harumi comes to terms with her mother’s passing and gets embroiled in the hunt for a legendary 600 million yen pearl.
The Pearl Legacy
Set within music field, this film depicts a love story between a 25-year-old sound engineer and 16-year-old high school student Riko, who posessess a...
The Liar and His Lover
Fifteen-year-old country girl Suzume Yosano has to move to Tokyo to live with her uncle due to her father's transfer. She bumps into a mysterious man...
Daytime Shooting Star
Teenager Tsubasa Sato returns to the parallel universe where demons are out to kill every person with the last name of Sato.
The Chasing World 2
Three women – 27 year old Tokyo office worker Mire Yoshizuki, 22 year old fourth-year college student Sora Nagase, and 20 year old boyish,...
Looking for Magical Doremi
A biographical story of Tomoatsu Godai, the influential entrepreneur of the Meiji era who laid the foundation of the modern Japanese economy.
Godai - The Wunderkind