In this delightful comedy, a cheerful farmer's wife (post-Revolution superstar Zhang Ruifang) in a village commune puts her marriage in jeopardy when...
Li Shuangshuang
Fang Xiuying (played by Li Lan) is a female worker in a textile workshop, she and her boyfriend Zeng Qiang (played by Mao Yongming) have been in love...
She Turns 28 This Year
The “Volleyball Flower”
A family movie directed by Jinjing Chen.
Miss Jiao Jiao
Wang Jiayou, a young worker at the Shanghai New Machinery Factory, is a man whose life is unorganized, does not pay attention to labor discipline,...
A magician comes back to Shanghai to find his son separated twenty-five years ago.
The Magician's Adventures
Set in 1950s, along the Minjiang River, Fujian Province. Li Yinhua and Yang Xiaolong are childhood growing up friends and have similar interests and...
Story by the Minjiang River
In 1936, the Long March of the Red Army passed through the Tibetan area by the Jinsha River. The Kuomintang colluded with the great local tyrant Qiu...
Along The Jinsha River
United Until Tomorrow
It is policeman Ma Tianmin’s day off, and his chief’s wife has fixed him up with Liu Ping, a young woman she knows. But, on his way to...
Today Is My Day Off