The story concentrates on a single 48-hour period during the Russian Revolution. The central character, played by Y. E. Samchykovski, is an old...
Two Days
The owner of the gladiator school buys two slaves, the Thracian Spartacus and the Gaul Artorix. During the first fight in the arena, Spartacus wins...
A Black American worker travels to the USSR and experiences the racial solidarity of Soviet life.
Black Skin
Directed by Yevgeni Chervyakov.
Golden Beak
The movie tells about the first years of Nazism. In the center of the plot is a German student graduating from an institute and receiving a diploma...
Ruddy's Career
Director of a Soviet-era enterprises, Baturin, spends days and nights in his private office. Inability to arrange work day and overwork caused...
Ill Nerves
Chinese workers start a rebellion, arm themselves and take over the train on which they are travelling and manage to break through the frontier.
Blue Express
This revolutionary epic likens the push for industrialization of Soviet Ukraine with the battle for Perekop during the Civil War. A missing plow...
The seamy Jewish underworld of Odesa is the setting for Isaac Babel's story based on the life of gangster king Mishka Yaponchik "Mike the Jap"...
Bennie the Howl
The film's plot is based on the real murder of the Soviet diplomatic courier Theodor Nette abroad. The pouch of the Soviet diplomat, which is stolen...
The Diplomatic Pouch
On the proletarian solidarity of the French navy with the revolutionary people of Russia. The action takes place in the early years of Soviet power...
Black Sea Mutiny
Behind White Lines