Art is often an expression of rigorous focus. This story revolves around the internal pressures of the protagonist, and his attempt to escape his own...
In 1999, a robbery-murder case occurs in a small supermarket in Samnye, Jeonbuk province. The police investigation quickly narrows down to three boys...
The Boys
Two very different restless youths join a swimming competition for love and friendship which is, in fact, a rite of passage to growing up.
No Breathing
Film editor Jiang dreams of becoming a director, but those dreams turn into a nightmare when his assistant, Meng, splices an unlicensed song into the...
I Love That Crazy Little Thing
A wealthy oil tycoon decides to steal oil from a pipeline running between Honam and Seoul-Busan motorway. To carry out this heist, he enlists the...
A ten part featurette movie on the acclaimed Korean drama, with outtakes, interviews and commentaries.
SBS: The Master's Sun - Making
While under heavily armed guard, the dangerous convicts aboard a cargo ship unite in a coordinated escape attempt that soon escalates into a bloody,...
Project Wolf Hunting