Live action film "Shibyo Osen Dead Rising" based on the zombie action game "Dead Rising." Set in Japan and directed by Keiji Inafune. Produced by...
Dead Rising: The Movie
The opening bust-shot, with its frequent use of cut-away shots and blurred dialogue, is like a campus version of Ozu's films. As the story...
Tokyo Polka
Based on the manga of the same name by Mamora Goda, a manga artist known for works such as Kirakira Hikaru, this human drama depicts a father who has...
Hold Your Hand
Katsutoshi is forced to flee his hometown and ends up at a rundown nightclub called "Tokyo Playboy Club." His hot-headedness gets him into further...
Tokyo Playboy Club
Although the situation is universal, Japanese mourning rituals are given solid coverage. The 49th day after death is considered crucial, as the date...
Orpheus' Lyre
Even though Kumiko realizes that she won’t be able to patch things up with her former lover, she ends up preparing a meal for him. Though she...
How Selfish I Am!
The story centers around a man who dreams of becoming a novelist and works at a publishing company, and a woman who lives with him, and depicts the...
Segment 1 - actress Saki Aibu plays a woman who doesn't do anything. Segment 2 - actress Asami Mizukawa plays an unlucky woman who messes up a man....
Women Play Twice
Set in the early 1990's, after The Persian Gulf War began, a 30 year old man passes himself off as Captain Kuhio a pilot for an American Special...
The Wonderful World of Captain Kuhio
A life-size, inflatable sex doll suddenly comes to life one day. Without her owner knowing, she goes for a walk around town and falls in love with...
Air Doll
Watako has just lost her lover, Kimura, in a traffic accident in Tokyo. She decides to bury the trauma of this tragedy and carries on with her life...
Fly On
He is rejected by his sister when the brother floats the idea that their father move from his house to her apartment. The father has other ideas...
My Dad and Mr. Ito
Ogura Akane is twenty six years old and wants to become a designer. However, things go awry when in a double whammy she loses her job and finds her...
Love-Craft Girl
Hiroshi Tanaka sports an intense perm which looks like the afro hairstyle favored by some African-Americans back in the 1970's. He doesn't get his...
Afro Tanaka
Shinichi Tsuda, a Naoki Prize winning author, is working to publish his newest story. It revolves around Tsuyama, a driver for a call girl business...
Every Trick In The Book