Inspired by O. Henry's short story about a young bride and groom, each of whom foolishly--but quite lovingly--sacrifices a treasured possession to...
The Gift of Love
Adolf Hitler faces himself and must come to terms with his infamous career in an imaginary post-war subterranean bunker where he reviews historical...
The empty mirror
Bob Friends (Michael Waite) is a thirty-something salesman who works two jobs and lives with his sister. He has a dream of opening a fast food...
Bob, Verushka & the Pursuit of Happiness
Poinsettia is a former housewife with an imagined lover in the form of 19th-century composer Giacomo Puccini. She moves into a Los Angeles boarding...
The Annihilation of Fish
A track coach in a small California town transforms a team of athletes into championship contenders.
McFarland, USA