Set in 19th Century Japan a young samurai who finds himself in love with a farm girl leaves his home to begin a new life. He has to take stock of his...
The Hidden Blade
Tora-san, an itinerant peddler who is thrown out of his father's house twenty years before but reconnects with his aunt, uncle and sister Sakura....
It's Tough Being a Man
Fifth movie in the Hissatsu (Sure Death!) Series. At the behest of a corrupt bureaucrat, a mysterious band of murderers wage a bloody battle against...
Sure Death 5
After a quarrel with his mother, Torajiro sets off to find a bride.
Tora-san, the Good Samaritan
Siberian Express 2
The story of a timid samurai attempting to rid his name of the stigma attached to it.
The Witty Samurai