In a poor district of Edo lives a young samurai named Soza. He has been sent by his clan to avenge the death of his father. He isn't an accomplished...
Izakaya Choji
Sequel to the 2002 film Pika*nchi Life Is Hard Dakedo Happy, starring members of boy band Arashi.
Pika**nchi Life Is Hard Dakara Happy
Kaibutsukun is the young prince of Kaibutsu land who decides to go to Earth to prove to his people that he is worthy of becoming king. Kaibutsukun is...
Kaibutsu-kun: The Movie
Teran Plains' village was attacked by a giant starving Gerold, and the village's youngster, Peck, sought Toriko for help. But lying ahead in wait is...
Toriko 3D Movie: Kaimaku! Gourmet Adventure!!
High school student Shun Takahata is bored. Bored with the day-to-day monotony of school and life, he prays for change, for something exciting....
As the Gods Will
Dear Hinagon
"Elite" members of an insurance company are gathered together to form a unit to investigate an accident and whether the company needs to pay out on...
Shin Jidan Koshonin Ura File
A reporter is sent through time and space to document the lives of Japanese people at various times in history. This time, he is sent to unwrap the...
Time Scoop Hunter
At the remote and hidden Shaolinji temple, Miyoko, also known as Shaolin Grandma , has practiced martial arts fighting techniques there for many...
Shaolin Grandma
Feudal lord Takuminokami Asano has been led to kill himself due to a scheme by Kozukenosuke Kira. Having no time to mourn his death, samurai...
The 47 Rōnin in Debt
We Love Television?
In the year 200X, a number of children are affected by a black hole that alters their genes and causes them to grow abnormally. In order to save...
200X Year: Sho
Trade company employee Shinichi recommends to Naoko and Jiro to go to a beautiful place abroad. There, Naoko and Jiro meets tribal shaman and sees...
Trick the Movie: Last Stage