A young girl, Chihiro, becomes trapped in a strange new world of spirits. When her parents undergo a mysterious transformation, she must call upon...
Spirited Away
Saya who came to Tokyo after being traumatized by an incident eight years ago. She learns that the man involved in the case has been engaged to her...
When Sosuke, a young boy who lives on a clifftop overlooking the sea, rescues a stranded goldfish named Ponyo, he discovers more than he bargained...
Yokohama, 1963. Japan is picking itself up from the devastation of World War II and preparing to host the 1964 Olympics—and the mood is one of...
From Up on Poppy Hill
Set 2 years after prior film "Bayside Shakedown 3: Set the Guys Loose," a major case occurs that has the potential to take down the entire police...
Bayside Shakedown The Final: The New Hope
Saki, a high school girl who always skips classes, works part-time as a life adviser.
A World Without Cherry Blossoms
Return Of Happiness
In a situation where location shooting was difficult due to the Corona pandemic, four omnibus horror films that could be shot in the school were...