In this sequel to the made-for-TV sci-fi thriller Chameleon, Bobbie Phillips returns as Kam, a beautiful but deadly (and genetically altered)...
Chameleon II: Death Match
A shipwrecked sailor stumbles upon a mysterious island and is shocked to discover that a brilliant scientist and his lab assistant have found a way...
The Island of Dr. Moreau
When a father passes on the traditional family sword to one of his two adopted sons, the other--in a fit of jealous rage--joins a yakuza drug...
American Samurai
A debt-ridden night club owner has to take on Italian and Asian mobsters, corrupt police, and an angry pimp that he threw out of the club to try to...
Under the Gun
Bobby Delgado, undefeated MMA World Champion is incarcerated for eight years after accidentally killing his opponent. During this period of...
Among Dead Men
When family fortune, beautiful mistresses and control of an international smuggling operation are at stake, family rivalry turns to rage as two...
In the year 2022, a ruthless prison warden has created the ultimate solution for his most troublesome and violent inmates: Absolom, a secret jungle...
No Escape
Kris and Preston team up once again to take on powerful gangster Buntao. But Buntao has problems of his own, dealing with Dazo, another gangster who...
Rage and Honor II: Hostile Takeover
The story of Nathan "Nate" Vaughan, an ex-SAS commando fighter married to Nicole, a police officer with the Gulf Coast drug squad. Shortly after...
Shadows of Paradise