What begins as an ordinary board in a traditional apartment building to vote the renewal of the elevator, turns into an unexpected debate about the...
All in Favor
Two good friends from childhood, Iñaki and Matthew shared his love of mountaineering and adventure. Not exactly soul mates, but when both are...
Viaje a Surtsey
24 Siete
David is a dopey hopeless romantic with a hippy mother and a best friend who also works for him. After fifteen years of living together, on an...
Who Wants to Marry an Astronaut?
Esto No Es Noruega
Four childhood friends, all married with no passion left, get together in a high school reunion dinner. Between laughs and drinks, they all agree...
El club de los buenos infieles
In a globalized world where youth and technology reign supreme, three aged friends refuse to give up and dare to launch a business from scratch: a...
A biologist in an insemination clinic unexpectedly falls in love with a free-spirited trapeze artist and the idea of fathering her child. A hilarious...
Semen, a History of Love
Based on the short film of the same name; at a downtown Madrid building, an ordinary meeting of neighbors commune to vote on a change of elevator....