Laura Kendall, also known as Emanuelle, arrives at a remote prison with a long, fictional rap sheet that will allow her to go undercover to report on...
Violence in a Women's Prison
Emanuelle is framed by a corrupt D.A. while investigating a drug smuggling operation and has to tough it out under lock and key, dealing with a...
Women's Prison Massacre
Tommy is an innocent cavalry officer who falls in love with a beautiful Apache woman after rescuing her from a nasty gun smuggler named Honest...
Apache Woman
When the deranged emperor Caligula falls for an insatiable gladiatrix, their reign launches a mind-bending bacchanal of torture, sodomy, incest,...
Caligula and Messalina
Faccia di spia tries to tell the story of the CIA and other government intelligence agencies with lots of re-creations and dramatizations and points...
C.I.A. Secret Story
An average Joe becomes the poster boy for a book about Jesus due to his Christ-like appearance, but his meek and good-hearted nature ends up clashing...
Looking for Jesus
A bandit leader endowed with supernatural powers by his sorceress mother makes yearly raids on a peasant village. However, the women of the village...
The Seven Magnificent Gladiators
As the Roman Empire slowly declines, Caesar Nero indulges himself in every known debauchery, including incest with his mother.
Nero and Poppea - An Orgy of Power
Operazione ricchezza
After the 1815 Restoration, an aging revolutionary finds himself reluctantly involved in an attempted insurrection in Southern Italy while growing...