In this sequel, Hakimi is engaged to the lovely Princess Megawati, and is appointed as CEO of her company, Megapuri Berhad. In living up to his role...
Mr. Cinderella 2
Diagnosed with cancer, Fanna falls in love with Shafik, the son of a criminal gang leader. Things get complicated when a rival gang attempts to kill...
Tells the story of a girl named Markonah who come into the city to find work even without the blessing of his mother. There he worked as a highway...
Tollgate Girl
This film is about Ahmad Daniel and Nurul Ain's love for each other. Through thick and thin, they have managed to keep in touch through phone calls,...
Soalnya Siapa?
Los and Faun are close friends who comes from a very poor family in Melaka. Carlos Rodrigo and Ahmad Faun Bin Sulaiman made a decision to find their...
Los dan Faun
Tok Wan Rimau, the custodian of the spiritual tiger, is searching for a female heir to inherit her powers. Tina (Maya Karin) and Ari (Rusdi Ramli)...
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