Salvia Divinorum is an often misunderstood and powerful psychedelic plant used by the Mazatec shamans in southern Mexico for centuries. This...
Salvia Divinorum: A Western Approach
The Way of the Psychonaut explores the life and work of Stanislav Grof, Czech-born psychiatrist and psychedelic psychotherapy pioneer. Stan’s...
The Way of the Psychonaut
LSD: Problem Child and Wonder Drug captures the fascinating story of LSD as it is eloquently told by Dr. Albert Hofmann, the 100-year-old...
LSD: Problem Child and Wonder Drug
Long before Timothy Leary urged a generation to "tune in, turn on and drop out," lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, was being used by researchers...
Hofmann's Potion: The Pioneers of LSD
Through interviews with leading psychologists and scientists, Neurons to Nirvana explores the history of four powerful psychedelic substances (LSD,...
Neurons to Nirvana
Experimental movie, where a man comes home and experiences LSD. His kaleidoscopic visions follow, with readings inspired by the Tibethan Book of the...
The Psychedelic Experience
Back in the 1960's a former Harvard professor stopped giving A's, B's and C's and started handing out LSD. his name was Timothy Leary and he was at...
How To Go Out of Your Mind: The LSD Crisis
5 psychedelic short films, broadcast on the French/German tv channel "arte" on 2007-07-16 "Be-In" USA 1967, 7 min "Beatles Electronique" USA...
Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
THE SPIRIT MOLECULE weaves an account of Dr. Rick Strassman's groundbreaking DMT research through a multifaceted approach to this intriguing...
DMT: The Spirit Molecule
Plant Explorer Richard Evans Schultes was a real life Indiana Jones whose discoveries of hallucinogenic plants laid the foundation for the...
Peyote to LSD: A Psychedelic Odyssey
A feature length documentary which invites the viewer to rediscover an enchanted cosmos in the modern world by awakening to the divine within. The...
Entheogen: Awakening the Divine Within
Weaving together interviews, archival footage, photographs, animation, and narration, "Signs Out Of Time" is an incredible journey that delves into...
Signs Out of Time: The Life of Archaeologist Marija Gimbutas