Out to exact revenge, muscle stud Vinnie comes to London to take his revenge on hairy hunk Butch Grand in a real man on man match that can only end...
Out on the Hit
Enter the sex pit once more, and meet these hard studs ready to unleash their thick dicks onto you. Muscle studs, hard fuckers and horse hung black...
Back Alley Bandits
These boys are hot like the fires they fight and the only way to put these hard-bodied, horny hunks out is to fill their mouths and cram their tight...
Playing with Fire 2
ilmed on location in New York City's infamous dungeon sex club El Mirage, Whiplash is one hell of a dirty sex flick from director/star Ray Dragon....
Five scenes of furry fucking action! Eurocreme has put together some of the hottest and hairiest guys around with explosive results! Watch these...
Furry Fuckers