Its story revolves around Aditya, a criminal lawyer gets married to a pop star Anjali and wants to kill her for her wealth. Bar dancer Sailu is in...
Bhama Kalapam
Varam is a 2004 Indian Telugu film directed by Raghuram
Balram, a lorry cleaner, decides to make a film with his favourite actor, Santosh Babu. All his attempts fail and the actor too ridicules him. But...
Oka V Chitram
After being victims of terrorism, an aspiring actor, a driver and a sincere police officer come together to stop a terrorist from fleeing and put an...
Sahasra, a struggling singer, attends a party and wakes up after a day without realising it. However, as the days pass, she feels something is amiss...
Anukokunda Oka Roju
Three thieves steal the precious Nizam treasure and hide it in a safe place. The rest of the story is all about the treasure hunt that follows.
Dongala Bandi
Ravi Kapoor (Aryan Vaid) manages a company owned by his wife Catherine (Hina Rehman), whom he doesn't love and constantly cheats on. And he now has...
The film is a story of a small town girl, Pia, who falls in an Internet trap. She falls in love with a friend, Rahul, whom she has never seen but met...
Paapi - Ek Satya Katha