Anglická blcha v cárskom Rusku
Paradajka za rohom
Dievča z jazera
Guľaté tajomstvo
Najvzdialenejšia hviezda na nebi
Noc v krčme „U veľkého diviaka“
Klietka plná vtákov
An original TV play. The main character is twelve-year-old Ivan. He lives a lonely life under the patronage of a strict aunt who wants him to be an...
Poviem mu to sám
Štyri kolesá
Čudný človek
Stalo sa v našom mestečku
Výlet do Paríža
Hlúpa rozprávka
Delenie majetku
Princezná s jedným krídlom a jednou plutvou
Vždy možno začať
Ako sa husár učiteľom stal
Apollón z Bellacu
Diera v hlave
O nosatom kuchárovi a nohatom drotárovi
Vymenená princezná
Zojka a Valerija
Ako ostrihať manžela
A dramatic story about two friends - fisherman Richardus and municipal executioner Emil Targo takes place at the river Danube, in places that used to...
Majster kat
Soľ nad zlato
Cézar a detektívi
Román o base
Story of an extraordinary musician, violinist, who was famous, but his alcoholism led him to poverty. Now he is playing time from time to rich...
Údolie večných karaván
An apocalyptic story of three wars in three film tales encompassing the end of the WWI,WWII, as well as a vision of the world destroyed by nuclear...
The Deserter and the Nomads
Kufor plný zlata
Piková dáma
O múdrej pekárovej žene
Zeleň kráľ
A tragic story of two young people who are in the precious moments of first emotional flare deeply disappointed by the shallow feelings of their...
Láska neláskavá
Majster zlodejského cechu
Mário a kúzelník
Zločin slečny Bacilpýšky
Medvedík pre bračeka
Článok na prvú stranku
Sila lásky
Príbeh potulného scholasta
Príbelská vzbura Janka Kráľa
V srdečnom ovzduší
Spevák Peter
Višňový sad
Eugen Onegin
Moment kritického zaťaženia
A romantic story of a young nobleman who sees a beautiful girl at the carnival who seems familiar to him. He feels that he saw her in an old castle,...
A Touch of a Butterfly
Ach tá láska pozemská
Two repatriated soldiers search for stability and love when they return home after the First World War.
Field Lilies
More v kvapke vody
Zázračná ihla
In one royal forest, where coal miner Patočka lives and works, the friendly dragon Mrak settles down. The king's lackeys come across him while...
There is a Dragon Behind Humny
A funny outlaw tale inspired by traditional folk humour. Pacho is no ordinary outlaw. He detests injustice and feudal oppression and he copes with...
Pacho, the Brigand of Hybe
Čudák Zerbino
O smelom krajčírikovi
Third Clinch for Tommy
Koncert pre električku
Takmer božský omyl
A young teacher grows up in a small Slovak village during the Second World War.
Man Is Not Desirable
Chrobák v hlave
Modrý Jonatán
Oko za oko
Svadba bude
Impressionistic film based on a Maupassant story about five friends who fall in love with the same beautiful girl one summer.
Sweet Games of Late Summer
Hra o Maruške
A story about young girl Hanka who doesn't have parents and is forced to spend most of her time in a hospital bed.
Counting Sheep
Múdra princezná
Kmotor Remenár a kmotor Hrebenár
The children's detective story describes a thrilling and cheerful search for a lynx that someone stole from the zoo corner of the house of pioneers...
Hurá za ním
Listy Juliane
Švédska zápalka
Zločin Arthura Savila
Teta z Paríža
Navráťte sa k otcom svojim
Platiť sa nebude!
Kdo chytá štěstí za pačesy
Dravý prúd
Jahňa chudobného
Humánna povinnosť
Puto najsilnejšie
Profesor Raat