Eleana is a prostitute who appears to have been abused when she was younger. During her daily encounters with various clients, she meets a young...
The Two Faces of Love
The everyday lives of some international football players before and after a big game.
Experts on the Football Field
"700 meters far from humans, and million meters far from humanity…" The study of the life of the lepers of Spinalonga with a dedication and...
The Island of Silence
Joe, and Gardelis his friend, plan to rob a safe, a Russian émigré, Lavrentis Shack. By opening, however, the safe, -propylcarbamoyl...
Joe, the Amazing
Young Antinoos is on vacation on an island where he meets a seductive woman, Eva, who is having a miserable time with her middle-aged husband,...
The heroic Souli have managed to repel the asker of Ali Pasha and his brave Malamos Dragon sends his mother to ask her hand Maro, niece of the...
Zalongo, the Fort of Freedom
Slaves of fate
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