The film follows the story of Hadzi Trifun, a prominent Serbian merchant, who tries to keep the peace with the Turkish authorities, but also...
Bad Blood
Two of the most popular Serbian actors discover a script that they immediately want to work on, forgetting that creating in Serbia isn't as easy as...
We Are Not Angels III is a Serbian film. In 1973 during a Youth Work Action, budding musician Borko Pavić (Nikola Pejaković) is...
We Are Not Angels 3: Rock & Roll Strike Back
In a rented apartment in Belgrade lives Srećko, who always plays the same combination of lotteries in the hope to win a premium one day. Local...
Chasing Luck(y)
A young student Braca is trying to seduce a beautiful model Iris. Although they are from two different worlds, they both try not to show it. In...
When I Grow Up, I'll Be a Kangaroo
Seven stories from the hood that connects to the seven deadly sins.
Seven and a Half
The basis of the story is the presence of the young writer Branislav Nušić in the salon of King Milan Obrenović. Apart from...
Flowers of Evil
How I Was Stolen by the Germans (Serbian: Koko su me ukrali Nemci) is a Serbian movie. Alex (52) is sufficiently renowned writer who is engaged in...
How I Was Stolen by the Germans
An orphan finds a family, old couple that has no children, day before Christmas. The twists and turns of this melodramatic comedy is inspired by...
Before Christmas
A cocky teenage girl is struggling to reconcile with her halfhearted boyfriend on the very same day that she gets stabbed and wages a war with a...
Cutting Close
A factory worker assembles an enigmatic machine that produces liquid drops from the moonlight.
Moon Drops
Love triangle story between the village gendarme Đorđe, his wife Katarina and the young disabled war veteran Gavrilo during the time...
St. George Shoots the Dragon
Sunset from a Rooftop takes place in Belgrade. While the city is being hit by NATO bombings, Ivana is preparing herself for a night out while telling...
Sunset from a Rooftop
Fedja, drummer in a funeral orchestra is living with his son Nikola, drummer in a heavy metal band.
Snare Drum