This existential comedic drama follows an ailing film director as he begins to shoot what he believes to be his final work of art. What starts out as...
The Martini Shot
An ancient spirit haunts an old church, disrupting the daily routines of two priests and ultimately threatening their lives.
The Cathedral
A serial killer has been sentenced to death by electric chair in London in the 1890s, but in his final hours, he puts a curse on the prison he is in,...
The Gates
Ireland, 1892. A recently widowed mother forms a sinister relationship with the body of her husband, leaving it to her son John to sever the ties...
The Parting Glass
Amy begins her first night shift in a hotel with a murderous past. Witnessing terrifying events and trapped within a loop, Amy must find a way to...
Night Shift
This story concerns a hapless civil servant who gets more than he bargains for when he moves into an apartment in Limerick with a gay fashion student...
Cowboys & Angels
Hannah returns home to her estranged Father to piece together the circumstances of her Mother's death. On the discovery of an ancient Ouija board...
Part one of a three part short film saga about a criminal gang member, Danny, who falls out with his boss, mates, another gang, his girlfriend is...
Scumbag Millionaire
A middle-aged gay couple struggle with coming out.
Mother's Milk and Cookies