Follows six friends who break down in the middle of nowhere on the way to a concert and encounter with the Desert fiends, a deranged family that...
Desert Fiends
Aspiring magician Merlin moves to Las Vegas but gets waylaid by his natural gifts and a place with the black male strippers The Chocolate Chips.
Back on the Strip
When two up and coming internet bloggers take on a road trip to film footage from a forest that is known for disappearance and death, they find...
Woods Witch
An identical twin restores an old mental asylum, where he takes it upon himself to mystically train the patients as warriors for humanity and justice.
Cade: The Tortured Crossing
A group of teenagers steal a supernatural skateboard owned by Satan's son. Now the devil wants it back.
Skate to Hell
After two college students vanish, a detective uncovers a decades old mystery involving a strange farmhouse in a forgotten town.
The Farmhouse Murders
Marion Callevero has her guest list checked twice to host the company Christmas event, but gifts quickly turn to gore. This struggling staff has been...
Mistletoe Massacre