This adaptation of a Hideji Hojo novel, about the historical uprising of the Kuroda clan in 1633, is told through the eyes of retainer, Daizen. As...
The Kuroda Affair
A historical scroll depicting the story of the tragic fate of the young samurai Minamoto Yoshitsune, based on the novel by Genzo Murakami. The action...
Minamoto Yoshitsune
In this exciting story, Sasuke Sarutobi, known as the bravest child in the world, fulfills the will of his father, growing up strong and correct, and...
Kid Magician Sasuke
In a desperate crisis, Inamaru is plunged into the dark sea by a strike from Tokugawa Ieyasu. Ryutaro desperately tries to rescue Inamaru. However,...
神州天馬侠 完結篇
Tragicomic road movie set during the Edo period. It follows a samurai, his two servants – including spear-carrier Genpachi – and the...
Bloody Spear at Mount Fuji
A humble page fathers a child by the daughter of a clan official and is banished. Years later, the child, now a stable boy, is reunited with his...
The Horse Boy
During the Age Of Wars (Sengoku Era), Tokugawa Ieyasu and Toyotomi Hideyoshi are vying for power and each uses their secret weapons in order to try...
Torawakamaru, the Koga Ninja
During a time of war, Lord Ogata is betrayed by two of his closest vassals and killed by his enemy, Sarashina Danjo. Ten years later, Lord Ogata's...
Ninja's Weapon
Based on a 1956 television feature on Japan’s national network, NHK, this is one of Uchida’s rarest films. A socially conscious drama...
The Eleventh Hour
Avenging Father
From an original story by Shibata Renzaburo, the novelist who created such classics as: the "Nemuri Kyoshiro" series (Son of the Black Mass),...
The Forbidden Castle