In the not-so-distant future, Captain Jordan Strider, a Special Forces Officer in the New World Alliance, is chosen for a top-secret mission. Sent to...
Battle Planet
An unflinching & inspiring feature documentary that examines the experiences of 22 Los Angeles community members & leaders through this historic time...
Proud in a Pandemic
A colorful neighborhood salon is threatened by a new addition. The pot is stirred by a local magazine competition and a long standing rivalry. Which...
The Shickles is an edgy comedy which explores the life and loves of an eccentric Jewish family following the death of their dearly beloved...
The Shickles
A small town couple becomes famous overnight after discovering the world's largest potato. They then face the wrath of a jealous beauty queen and...
Enormous Nuclear Potato
Centered around new age douche-bag / weed farmer, Sage, who divides the commune in Topanga Canyon that he shares with his best friend Max, and their...
Alpha Hippie
Welcome to D.T.A. Productions, the world famous production company owned by French actor François Gilbier, better known for his on-screen...
Three kids get lost in the Louisiana bayou in search of a ghost pirate and his lost treasure, but what they discover is true friendship and the...
Direct-to-DVD movie. The pace quickens when the academy receives a message from the future warning of impending doom. It seems that Devastation (the...
Power Rangers SPD: Zapped
The story takes place in the year 2025. However, peace is short-lived as the planet-conquering Troobian Empire turns its destructive attention to...
Power Rangers SPD: Joining Forces