This gritty inner-city film follows various people living in a troubled New Jersey setting, most notably Nick Rinaldi, a disillusioned contractor who...
City of Hope
A chronicle of three generations of Italian-American women struggling to get by in post-World War II New York’s Little Italy.
Household Saints
Nancy Savoca’s second student film follows two twelve-year olds, Bobby (Joey D’Arelli) and Denise (Kelly Cinnante) who run away to...
Bad Timing
The first student film of Nancy Savoca and Rich Guay while they were attending NYU in 1982. Starring Marriane Leone (Cooper) as a young mother...
The true story of Henry Hill, a half-Irish, half-Sicilian Brooklyn kid who is adopted by neighbourhood gangsters at an early age and climbs the ranks...
A loathsome man ends up dead, but it's not clear who's to blame. If ever a person got what he deserved, it's James Urbanksi, an abusive drunk who...
Mortal Thoughts
Errol Morris's unique documentary dramatically re-enacts the crime scene and investigation of a police officer's murder in Dallas.
The Thin Blue Line
A story based on the life of a struggling Long Island single mom who became one of the country's most successful entrepreneurs.
Left on the doorstep of an orphanage run by nuns, three newborn knuckleheads grow up to be finger-poking, nyuk-nyuking janitors named Larry, Curly...
The Three Stooges
Donna and Michael are getting married. But first, they have to plan the reception, get the tux, buy the rings, and cope with their own uncertainty...
True Love
A young pickpocket in the New York subways, living a fast, free, lifestyle is confronted by a woman whom he had a one night affair with, she informs...
The extraordinary life of beloved acting teacher and theatre producer Wynn Handman is recalled in this portrait of a provocative, innovative artist.
It Takes a Lunatic
Giving creatives the chance to step outside the box while being confined to their own homes, the filmmakers behind With/In range from seasoned...
With/In Volume 2