Noc na zámku
Únos Moravanky
Sláva, nazdar výletu
Adventures of the "How to Rip Whale Tooth" (1977) heroes continue...
How to Get Daddy to Change
Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem
Karel Gott v Lucerně
Nebát se a nakrást
O chudém královstvíčku
Tajemství staré bambitky
School supply teacher timid folk art Ales Brabec won first prize at a music festival and will therefore offer to work for the Prague little theater...
Let Him Face the Music!
Malé dějiny Žižkova
Mr. Novak tells a lie to his neighbor Mrs. Bartackova that her husband is unfaithful to her and that is how it all started.
We'll Kick Up a Fuss Tomorrow, Darling...
Románek za tři krejcary
Láda Pitras (Ludek Sobota) and Oto Vacák (Petr Nározný) founded in the company Pragokov a Research department of...
'Okay, Boss...!'
Okresní přebor – Poslední zápas Pepika Hnátka
The dreaded Italian mafioso, Marian Labuda, will also be convinced. Mafioso Carmello was guilty of the principles of his organization when he tried...
Bulldogs and Cherries
A worker steals bits and pieces of building materials from work to construct a new home for himself and his girlfriend. When he discovers that...
Private Torment
Zázračný hlavolam
A sincere provincial young man, Frantisek Koudelka leaves to work in Prague. For the trip he buys a computer made horoscope with biorhythms charts,...
Joachim, Put It in the Machine
Divoké pivo
Two aliens stir up trouble on Earth in order to study humans. Misunderstandings ensue.
Hearty Greetings from the Globe
Perspektiva Ivana Mládka
Blázni, vodníci a podvodníci
Silvestr na přání aneb Čí jsou hory Kavčí
Silvestr 1978
Silvestr 79 aneb Hrajeme si jako děti
Silvestr je za dveřmi
A love story of the 21st century. Hoping for change, Ema runs away from her family and leaves her husband. She hides at the apartment of her...
Us 2
20 let Olympicu
Anatomie gagu
Modern version of Snowhite fairytale. Girl Katka is frustrated and restless. She escapes from home and find herself in the orphanage. Seven orphan...
Let the Princess Stay with Us
A model Communist village is visited by a flying saucer.
Flying Saucers Over Our Village
Linda and Vanda, two good-looking women in their thirties, are inseparable friends and co-owners of a small bookstore in the city center. Linda is...
All or Nothing
For the Novák and Bartáček families, money is king, and they'll do just about anything to get it. While René Novák...
Co je doma to se počítá, pánové...
Chyťte doktora
Ještě větší blbec, než jsme doufali
Nebožtíci na bále
Three mice live in a cinema. One day, inspired by the gangster movies, they decide to conduct a grand robbery in a cheese shop.
The Great Cheese Conspiracy
"Situation of the Street" - An experimental study about Czech life, focusing on Prague's National Street, its businesses and the varied people who...
Národ sobě aneb České moře v 18 přílivech
Miloslav Šimek & Petr Nárožný & Luděk Sobota: Nejslavnější scénky
Vondráčkovo pozdní odpoledne
An experimental retelling of the story of Adam and Eve which then progresses into an allegorical depiction of the loss of innocence.
Fruit of Paradise
Stáří není pro sraby
Deset malých běloušků
Ze Soboty na Šimka aneb Návštěvní den v divadle Semafor
Já a moji synové...