Fifth-grader Andy finds himself without a present from Santa on Christmas morning. Realizing he must have landed on the “naughty list”...
The Naughty Nine
Taraji, overcome with grief after a significant loss, attempts to recreate a recipe in an effort to heal and reconnect with her culture.
When Tiffany’s best friend James arrives at her house looking for the family heirloom engagement ring he left in her care, she quickly realizes...
Christmas Time Capsule
It's Christmastime in buzzing Manhattan. Single mother and luxury hotel housekeeper Neve Collins never meant to deceive guest of honor James Winter,...
Royally Yours, This Christmas
A young woman is sent to pickup a known gangster from prison and drive him home. But soon realizes that she's in over her head, falling deeper into...
Dangerous Rumors
Nora is thrilled when her first novel shoots to the top of the bestsellers list but is terrified of speaking in front of crowds to promote her book,...
A Bestselling Kind of Love
Twins Essie and Ella are best friends who share a passion for gymnastics. When they are both up for the same event, its causes a divided, and they're...
Olympians at Heart
Two best friends travel to Christmasland, a place filled with hope and miracles.
Believe in Christmas