The touching story of a man who believes cutting off his recently mangled hands and replacing them with a new set he’s constructed from the...
The New Hands
An anthology film that tells the tales of eight hapless souls infected with a monstrous sexually transmitted parasite that holds eldritch powers over...
Fat Fleshy Fingers
In 1970, Mikey and William both portrayed football cannibal Smash-Mouth in the influential cult hit, End Zone 2. Now, 50 years later, only one can...
The Once and Future Smash
The lives of different indie artists of the Hollywood film industry intersect when they get tired of failing and have the opportunity to make a...
Nobody Wants to Be Just Ordinary
A dissatisfied man attempting to be an actor struggles to connect with his profession and the people around him.
Unwholly Moments
Salomé: Do Not Dance, My Daughter
A documentary about End Zone 2
Blender Memories
An alcoholic drifter must battle withdrawal and psychotic rednecks after he becomes the target of a deranged sporting event.
Happy Hunting
SUGAR OFF THE BUTTON is a short film about being in love. This film was my wedding gift to my husband, Douglas Burgdorff. With selected writing by...
Sugar Off The Button
A man living peacefully in self quarantine discovers a troubling spot. (Screamfest)
Determined to create the ultimate pandemic film, Stephen (who apparently has never heard of an exquisite corpse) brings a team of filmmakers...
The Transformations of the Transformations of the Drs. Jenkins
After a group of space pirates pulls off an impossible heist at a casino, they encounter a coven of deadly vampires who have plagued their spaceship.
Planet of the Vampire Women
MONSTER FROM BIKINI BEACH is the story of a primordial fiend who rises from the murky depths to quench its insatiable lust for Bikini-Clad Beauties....
Monster From Bikini Beach
Simon Leach is a very, very sick man. Thriving on despair, pain, and panic, he unites a group of broken and desperate people in the middle of the...
Children of Sorrow
Ten stories from horror's top directors. Ghosts, ghouls, monsters, and the devil delight in terrorizing unsuspecting residents of a suburban...
Tales of Halloween