This special program, hosted by renowned magician Lance Burton, explores the life and magic of the great escape artist through his most prized...
Houdini: Unlocking the Mystery
Mystery Magical Special is an American television special aired on Nickelodeon. Advertised as a Halloween-themed program, the special was originally...
Mystery Magical Special
The DVD is largely a compilation of several Gary Ouellet-produced magic specials, one of which only tangentially features Lance Burton, it...
Lance Burton - The Secrets of Magic
The Oscar nominated actor best known for his role of Mr. Miyagi, left behind a painfully revealing autobiographical record of his much-too-brief time...
More Than Miyagi: The Pat Morita Story
A Las Vegas magician who performs at children's birthday parties convinces the woman of his dreams to be his assistant, while the local Mob guys try...
Billy Topit
Surrounded by the infected and unable to avoid them for much longer, the Thompsons help Teller escape, while he continues his video diary.
& Teller 5