This, the first Soviet depiction of Peter the Great, set the stage for what would become the post-Revolutionary line concerning the early Romanovs....
Peter the First, Part I
Depicts Russian Tsar Peter the First's conquest over the Swedes and his son Aleksey's plot to overthrow him.
Peter the First, Part II
A squadron of American warplanes, armed with gas developed by Corsican chemist Gannimer (dubbed "Napoleon Gas") flies to Leningrad. American workers...
Napoleon Gas
Directed by Yevgeni Chervyakov.
Golden Beak
Biographical film "Youth of the poet", dedicated to Pushkin-Lyceum student. At the 1937 world exhibition in Paris, the film was awarded a gold medal....
Youth of the Poet
Film adaptation of The Golovlyov Family ("Господа...
Yudishka Golovlyov