A young boy with a troubled home life becomes "chosen," and he stumbles into the middle of a great war of yōkai (a class of mythological...
The Great Yokai War
Anna Tsuchiya blasts back in time playing an oiran, a top-notched geisha of the Edo period’s Yoshiwara District, navigating brothel politics...
The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble...
The Happiness of the Katakuris
Former boxer Iwano, teamed up with Sada and Maru, who live in the same apartment building, makes his daily living as a punching bag for drunken...
Chicken Heart
A humorous wedding story fueled by a rather no-good father and son, disguised as the old and new “good guys.” The father Nobuo, and his...
Then Summer Came
A former idol becomes a teacher at the high school she graduated from, but her new career is threatened by an expose book her ex-manager is planning...
Three conspirators steal a secret android. In their warehouse hideout, the android secretes a reality-altering substance, which casts them into a...
Death Powder
Live-action adaptation of a madcap manga about art, opposites, love and a whole lot of cosplay.
Otakus in Love
Yoshinori sells plots of land in a cemetery, and is involved in a stale ten-year-old marriage with bored housewife Atsuko. When Atsuko makes a male...
The Tomb & the Divorce
Futashika na melody
In this contemporary documentary, the cast and the crew share their experiences of making the film.
The Making Of The Katakuris