After discovering their significant others are siblings, two resentful exes must spend Christmas under one roof — while hiding their romantic...
Our Little Secret
New Year's Eve 1999 finds college-bound Clark and Trevor concerned about the future of their friendship, and a request for Clark to be Trevor's...
Controversy ensues when four business school students create and launch a new religion on campus.
God Incorporated
A mom and dad who usually say no decide to say yes to their kids' wildest requests — with a few ground rules — on a whirlwind day of fun...
A secluded, paralyzed woman is terrorized by a malevolent force that lurks in the darkness.
The Clapper
When Chris, the coolest guy in school discovers that Roxy sees through his popularity and good looks, he enlists Cy to reverse catfish her-letting...
It Takes Three
Kevin and his girlfriend, Cody, are two months into his family's annual trip at their Northern Michigan home. Amid peaceful days and adventurous...
An Autumn Summer