Revue pro banjo
No Woman is allowed into Karlstejn Castle! Yet the enamoured Daniele Kolářová and the equally enamoured Jana Brejchová...
A Night at Karlstein
Sedmý kontinent
The Hit
Zuzana je zase sama doma
Napravení Jima Valentina
A military base. An awkward soldier. A statue of Bach. And suddenly all guns in the area change into music instruments. Great mystery is immediately...
If a Thousand Clarinets
Zpívající přístavy
Recepty na šťastie
Silvestr 1978
Silvestr je za dveřmi
Silvestr 79 aneb Hrajeme si jako děti
Silvestr na Silvestru
Dnes večer v Lucerně
Pučálkovic Amina
Death Chooses
Two days before Christmas. Zuzanka and Tomás, friends from a kindergarten wander off during a walk. They admire toys and decoration in...
The Hour of Blue Elephants
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