Omnibus film "Bungo Sasayakana Yokubo" features 6 different short stories set under 2 different themes ("Mitsumerareru Shukujotachi" & "Kokuhaku...
Bungo: Stories of Desire
Meiko Inoue is a recent college grad working as an office lady in a job she hates. Her boyfriend Taneda is permanently crashing at her apartment...
Tetsuo Togami is in the 2nd grade of high school. Due to a fight, he is hospitalized. There, he meets Maiko Takashiro. She has an incurable disease....
A Summer Day, Your Voice
Gin is a 15-year-old boy. He knows that his father is a gay and he wonders if he might be the same. Narumi is a 15-year-old girl. Her mother tells...
Innocent 15
Jun is a girl whose words have been sealed away so that she cannot hurt anyone with them. But, one day, she is nominated to become an executive...
The Anthem of the Heart