A dance troupe prepares for and completes a dress rehearsal of Federico García Lorca's tragic play "Blood Wedding," which is about a bride who...
Blood Wedding
In a Gypsy village, the fathers of Candela and José promise their children to each other. Years later, the unfaithful José marries...
El amor brujo
A film version of the famous Bizet opera, where a soldier (Don Jose) falls in love with a beautiful factory worker (Carmen), but she does not...
Cristina returns to her hometown Cuernavaca after a seven year absence. The bittersweet reunion with her brother Mauricio unravels old and tragic...
While rehearsing a flamenco ballet adaptation of Bizet's opera “Carmen”, Antonio, the choreographer, falls in love with the main dancer,...
A gypsy who sells fish in a market, sings on weekends in a tablao. One day, a professor, exiled in Cádiz for her political ideas, offers the...
El día que nací yo