The film tells the story of Fernando Quintero (Gustavo Camacho), revolutionary leader who, after the fall of the dictatorship of Marcos Perez...
Días de poder
In the city of gold as they call it, Palenque, Jean, Rose and Machete find themselves immersed in a marginal world trying to survive with the...
Por los Caminos Verdes
An old man travels to the city in search of a book. After a long journey, he returns to his town empty-handed and resumes his strange routine.
The Old Man and the Sea
Willi premieres his own reality show and the first guest is the famous telenovela actress, Elsy Ferrer.. It immediately captivates the public with...
El show de Willi
The film reproduces the historical moment when Cipriano Castro, then president of Venezuela, proclaimed: "The insolent plant of the foreigner has...
La planta insolente