Young hothead Billy, quick to speak and drifting into a life of crime, has many encounters the community's lay preacher, John Redmond. Billy's...
The Candle and the Moth
The Adventures of Gar El Hama
Medical student Walter Fahrich has only two goals in life – to become rich and famous. In a dream, he is approached by Mephisto, who offers him...
A Deal with the Devil
En Søns Kærlighed
En Fiasko
Strejken paa den gamle Fabrik
Den sidste Nat
There are strange things going on at Duncan Castle, where some metaphysical being seems to have been spreading a psychological disease.
Mysteriet på Duncan Slot
Karsakow is a circus dancer who's just lost his job. How will his little brother Vladir and himself survive? In the paper Karsakow reads about the...
De mystiske Z-Straaler
A young violinist, Emanuel, dreams of becoming the best in the world. He gets the full support of his mother, who has sacrificed everything for his...
The Soul of the Violin
Kampen om Kvinden
The Great Jewel Robbery