The film tells the story of three girls who have had a close relationship for several years, and once love looms, the three fall into a never-ending...
Directed by Bolaji Tijani-Qudus. Rendezvous is about urban dwellers who congregate at a local bar and the surprising details of their lives are...
Sacrificing both her professional and personal life, a journalist decides to investigate the mysterious "Miracle Archives."
The Miracle Archives
It's Christmas Eve and a harried married couple has had it with their two spoiled sons. To scare them into behaving, they tell the boys about...
Merry Krampus
Ten years after graduation, a mini-reunion is organized by Tom and Jill Miller at their home, inviting only the special friends that were in their...
Deadly Reunion
Four married friends buy a condo to share as a bachelor pad, a place to bring their mistresses, until the wives and girlfriends bust the cheating...
The Condo